English Works students complete their course

Our Saturday morning English Works students completed their 20-hour course on 21st May. The class wrapped up with a progress test and each student gave a short speech before the certificates were presented. Besides improved English proficiency, all of the students said that they felt more confident using English. Well done to the class! Our [...]

Intensive Practical isiZulu course underway

Our Intensive Practical isiZulu group is seen here getting to grips with the ins and outs of the language. This specially tailored, interactive course is 40 hours long and runs over four weeks. Are you interested in doing a similar course? Let us know your needs and we will see what we can [...]

Graduation – English @ Work and Practical isiZulu

On June 16th we held a graduation for students who completed the English @ Work course (run on Saturday mornings), as well as the Practical isiZulu course. The isiZulu course was run for staff members of the Ingonyama Trust Board. Our Zulu teacher, Mary Gordon, travelled to their offices to teach the staff during working [...]

Save The Date!

When: Tuesday 16th June (Youth Day) Address: 33 Alan Paton Avenue, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg 10am Welcome – Ten of our graduands will receive their certificates and all are welcome to enjoy some tea/ coffee/ juice and eats provided by an entrepreneurial KLI student Bring and Braai at Midday – fires will be ready, please bring chairs, [...]

New Premises

We are up and running in our new premises - 33 Alan Paton Avenue (office in the front room of MIDI House, classroom in suite 2 - behind the house). Pictured here is Jenny Kerchhoff, the KLI's Director and Nikiwe Qoma, who is doing an internship with us. Thank you to those who helped us [...]

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