Our Student Made Us A Slideshow!
Thank you to Semuna Alimasi Leon, who took the time to create this artistic slide show of photos which he took while completing the latest Basic English course - made possible by Refugee Social Services and the KLI.
Thank you to Semuna Alimasi Leon, who took the time to create this artistic slide show of photos which he took while completing the latest Basic English course - made possible by Refugee Social Services and the KLI.
Earlier this year Jenny Kerchhoff and Isabella Leigh ran a basic English course for a group of refugees. The cost was covered by Refugee Social Services. The 13-week course focused on improving speaking skills and included a number of interactive activities. These have helped to build the students' confidence as they use English in their [...]
A huge thank you to e-Biz Blitz for the feature article: Pietermaritzburg recently welcomed a new addition to its repertoire of boutique educational attractions, the KZN Language Institute that operated out of University of KwaZulu-Natal for 13 years. It is now operating independently and its programmes in English and other languages are proving increasingly popular [...]
The University of KwaZulu-Natal invited us to attend their Cultural Day held on Friday the 4th of October. We had a stall for the KZN Language Institute and promoted our courses. There were 10 other countries represented. There was a great deal of laughter, fun, singing and dancing.
On 3 April the Premier of KZN invited all us at the KZN Language Institute to celebrate the people and the history of St Helena and the island's fascinating relationship with South Africa. The French, the Zulu, the Boer, and the English can learn a lot from each other and last Thursday we celebrated with [...]