About KZNLanguageInstitute

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So far KZNLanguageInstitute has created 36 blog entries.

New Premises

We are up and running in our new premises - 33 Alan Paton Avenue (office in the front room of MIDI House, classroom in suite 2 - behind the house). Pictured here is Jenny Kerchhoff, the KLI's Director and Nikiwe Qoma, who is doing an internship with us. Thank you to those who helped us [...]

A KLI Success Story!

A KLI success story: Jeanine Rwishema recently completed her Masters degree. She started taking English lessons in 2008 when we were still the Language Centre at UKZN. She is now reaping the rewards of lots of hard work and having taken the time to learn English at the start of her undergrad degree. Congratulations, Jeanine, [...]

St Patrick’s Day Celebration KZNLI Style

  The KLI and Alliance Francaise co-hosted a St Patrick's Day celebration this past Tuesday evening. We enjoyed being entertained by a piper (did you know that the first pipers were actually Irish?), learning the jig, singing some old favourite Irish [...]

English @ Work Course

Our next English @ Work course starts on Saturday 18th April (9am to 12). It runs over 7 weeks and costs R1400, payable in advance. Call 033 3456844 or email admin@kznlanguageinstitute.com for more info.

Yumiko and Eito Sugimoto

Yumiko and Eito Sugimoto have come to Pietermaritzburg for one year. Yumiko is studying English at the KZN Language Institute and Eito is attending Grade 6 school at St Charles School. They are both immersing themselves in South African life and the English language. At the end of their year they will be speaking English like [...]

Latest group of KLI students graduate

  In November last year a group of students from around the world celebrated completing their courses in Intensive English/ Academic Writing skills. Representing 10 different countries from around the world - from Mexico to Togo and beyond - the multicultural event was held at Cafe Lisboa in Pietermaritzburg. Each of the students had a turn to make a [...]

Tyler’s Blog

One month ago I decided to go back to China. I was so lucky, I booked cheapest tickets from the internet.Then arriving in China, I met my family and my friends. I also went to my grandpa's tomb.  I was so happy that I met my best friends,and he was glad me back. [...]

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